Tag: Judaism101

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By Rav Reuven Tradburks The next 2 parshiot, Tazria and Metzora are challenging.  Their theme is simple: entry to the Mikdash is restricted for those who are Tamei.  There are a number of situations that render a person Tamei.  The removal of the Tuma status allows re-entry to the Mikdash. 

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By Rabbi Reuven Tradburks 1st Aliya (Vayikra 9:1-16) On the eighth day of the inauguration of Aharon and the Cohanim, Moshe gathers the people.  He instructs Aharon to offer a chatat and an olah.  The people are also to bring a chatat, olah, shlamim and mincha.  For today, G-d will appear. 

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How to Celebrate Purim

The Purim Story in a Nutshell The Persian empire of the 4th century BCE extended over 127 lands, and all the Jews were its subjects. When King Ahasuerus had his wife, Queen Vashti, executed for failing to follow his orders, he orchestrated a beauty pageant to find a new queen. A Jewish girl, Esther,

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1st aliya (Vayikra 6:1-11) Instructions are given to the Cohanim: while the offerings must be done during the day, the burning of the fats and limbs continue all night.  In the morning the Cohen shall take some of the ashes from the altar and place them at the side.  This pile

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By Rabbi Reuven Tradburks The theme of the Parsha is sacrifices.  Different offerings will be required in a variety of circumstances later in the book of Vayikra.  This parsha outlines the rules of those offerings so that when they come up later, their procedure will be familiar. The Parsha outlines

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By rabbi Reuven Tradburks 1st aliya (Shemot 38:21-39:1) An accounting was made of all the raw materials used to build the Mishkan: the gold, silver, copper and what they were used for. The fine textiles were used for the Kohen’s garments, just as G-d commanded Moshe. The Torah records how

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By rabbi Reuven Tradburks The parshiot of Vayakhel and Pekudei are a repeat of Teruma and Tetzaveh. But not quite. In Teruma and Tetzaveh the instructions for building the Mishkan and the Kohanim’s garments were given. In our parsha, the deed is done. Teruma is the instructions; Vayakhel is the

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By Rav Reuven Tradburks The first third of the Parsha concludes instructions concerning the Mishkan. The rest of the Parsha is the story of the Golden Calf, concluding with reconciliation and forgiveness. The first aliyot are amongst the longest in the Torah; the first is 44 verses, the second 47.

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Women and Davening

The halachos that regulate women’s obligation in tefillah are complex. Do they have to daven? Which parts of davening? Why do many women not daven? Is there a difference between Shacharis, Minchah and Ma’ariv? What about Mussaf, Hallel and other parts of davening? Is there any point in coming to

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By Rabbi Reuven Tradburks The commandments concerning the special garments of the Kohen Gadol as well as the garments for the regular Kohanim are given. The Kohanim and the altar are inaugurated in a 7-day inauguration. The commands of the daily offering and the altar for incense are given. In

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