Tag: RavBreitowitz

Total 5 Posts

Honor God by Honoring His Image

I don’t divide the laws of God between those that are between man and God and those that are between man and man. To me there are laws that are between man and God, and then there are laws that are between man and the image of God. – Rabbi

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The Hidden Blessings of Anti-Semitism

The topic I want to address today is a bit provocative. And I hope I will not offend anyone’s sensitivities by describing the constructive role of the anti-Semite in the formation of a Jewish identity. All of us understand, of course, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu created a world of bechirah (free will) and individuals

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What Did the People Hear at Mount Sinai?

What exactly did the Israelites hear during YHWH’s revelation at Mount Sinai/Horeb? Tradition offers several answers to this question. Some suggest they heard the entire Decalogue, others that they heard virtually nothing, others still that they heard only the first two commandments. How do we account for this array of

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How to Treat a Convert

A. How should we treat a convert – to Judaism, and away from Judaism? Q. Convert to Judaism must be treated with respect and love. This rule is supported by the verse, “You shall love the stranger (‘ger’), for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deut.10:19). The word

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