I don’t divide the laws of God between those that are between man and God and those that are between man and man. To me there are laws that are between man and God, and then there are laws that are between man and the image of God. – Rabbi
Category: Giur
“You know if someone is a healthy Baal Teshuva if they maintain a warm relationship with their parents after they have become frum”. – Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky Dear Jew in the City, I did not grow up Orthodox, but became religious because of Jew in the City seeing how special the frum
A. How should we treat a convert – to Judaism, and away from Judaism? Q. Convert to Judaism must be treated with respect and love. This rule is supported by the verse, “You shall love the stranger (‘ger’), for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Deut.10:19). The word
“Now Moses’ father in law, Yitro [Jethro], the chieftain of Midian, heard all that G‑d had done for Moses and for Israel, His people; that G‑d had taken Israel out of Egypt.” (Exodus 18:1) Peshat (basic meaning): Rashi: Now…Jethro…heard – What news did he hear that [made such an impression that] he came? The splitting of the Red Sea and the war with Amalek.Jethro – He was
Did Maimonides accept contemporary converts as Jewish? At face value, this seems like a simple enough question. While not a proselytizing faith, we have long accepted converts to the religion and treated them as full members of the community. A closer look, however, raises an interesting problem. Maimonides explains that the Israelites at