Brachot (blessings) are short texts the Talmud instituted to be recited before sampling the pleasures of this world. What is the reason for making a bracha?
Jews recognize the Almighty as the Creator of the Universe. And we marvel and wonder at His creation. We see all of creation – animal life, plant life, the earth itself and the heavenly bodies – as sacred and in some sense untouchable. After all, they are the direct products of God Himself.
However, God also created the human race. And He permits humanity to use His world; that is, as long as the appreciation of God’s creation and of the sanctity of His handiwork are not lost in the process.
To assure that man will be able to avail himself of nature and yet retain his awe for its Creator, we are enjoined to recite the brachot.
With this teaching in mind, we can appreciate the philosophy behind the brachot. Our Sages have carefully authored brachot for all kinds of fruits and vegetables, for water and for wine, for bread and for fragrant spices; for the wonders of nature, be they of impressive beauty such as the sea or be they awesome and fearful such as thunder, lightning or even earthquakes; and even for individual experiences, such as seeing once again a place where one had experienced a personal miracle.
Every time that Jews utter a bracha, they do so out of a sense of gratitude which takes account of the role that God plays in their lives. When they awaken in the morning they thank God for their renewed health and vigor. Before they retire at night, they thank God for the day’s energy and request a gentle night’s sleep. When faced with a piece of bread, fruit, meat, or a drink, the gratitude they experience is one which contains a sense of closeness to God.
We thus see that the few simple words of the bracha, which are typically recited even by the youngest of children in traditional Jewish households, contain some of the most sophisticated religious ideas and principles. Unfortunately, these ideas are sometimes lost in the concentration on the detailed halachot which determine precisely which bracha and which words should be recited upon the various components of nature.
Brachot Rishonot (First Blessings)
The texts of the brachot rishonot are short and begin with the formula ברוך אתה ה’ אלהינו, מלך העולם (Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech Haolam…; Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe…). A general explanation of each bracha appears below.
Food Item | Beracha Rishona | Transliteration | Translation |
Bread and bread products. (What is kosher bread?) | המוציא לחם מן הארץ | …hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz | …Who brings forth bread from the earth. |
Products of the Five Principal Species that are not bread, such as most cakes, pretzels, and crackers | בורא מיני מזונות | …borei minei mezonot | …Who creates varieties of grain. |
Wine and grape juice | בורא פרי הגפן | …borei pri hagefen | …Who creates the fruits of the vine. |
Fruits and nuts | בורא פרי העץ | …borei pri ha’eitz | …Who creates the fruits of the tree. |
Most vegetables, legumes, melons, and berries | בורא פרי האדמה | …borei pri ha’adamah | …Who creates the fruits of the earth. |
All other foods, including meat, fish, cheese, chocolate, mushrooms, and many beverages. | שהכל נהיה בדברו | …shehakol nehiyeh bid’varo | …Everything came into being by His word. |
The list of common foods
You can use this list of common foods to determine the correct brachot (blessings) on the foods you eat. Provided by the rabbis of OU Kosher, the largest American kosher certification agency.
Food | Bracha Rishona | Bracha Achrona | Comments |
Baked Goods | |||
Eclair | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Angel Food Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Apple Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Apple Strudel | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | As with all cakes, the dough is considered the primary ingredient and only Mezonot is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than apple, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the apple. To say an Al Hamichya one must eat a kezayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin strip of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the apple, the dough becomes subordinate to the apple and only Ha’eitz. |
Bagel | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Brownies | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Bun (Bread) | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Bun (Cake) | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Butter Cookies | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Cheesecake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | As with all cakes, the dough is considered the primary ingredient and only Mezonot is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than cheese, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the cheese. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k’zayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin strip of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the cheese, the dough becomes subordinate to the cheese and only Shehakol need be said. |
Cherry Pie or Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | To say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k’zayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). |
Chocolate Éclair | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Chocolate Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Coffee Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Cookies | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Corn Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Corn Muffin (no wheat) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Corn Muffin (with wheat) | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Cracked Wheat Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Crackers | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Cupcake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Date Bread | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Devil’s Food Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Doughnut | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
English Muffin | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Ezekiel Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
French Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
French Toast | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Fruit Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Garlic Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Gingerbread | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Graham Crackers | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Granola Bar | Ha’adama | Borei Nefashot | Shulchan Aruch writes that there is stringency to try avoid eating a k’zayit of the five grains when they are ha-adamah, but if one did they say Borei Nefashot. |
Griddle Cakes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Hamantaschen | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Honey Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Italian Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Knish | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Kugel – made from potatoes or vegetables | Ha’adama | Borei Nefashot | As per Rav Belsky, OU posek (halacha authority) bracha rishona is ha-adamah even if made from potato flour, since today most potatoes are processed into flakes and flour. (See Mishnah Berurah 202:42-44.) |
Kugel – made from rice | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Kugel – made from challah or lokshen | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Macaron | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Macaroon | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Unless made with flour of one of the five grains, in which case Mezonot is required. |
Matzo | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Melba Toast | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Mezonot Bread or Roll | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Mince Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Muffin | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Napoleon | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Onion Bread or Roll | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Onion Crackers | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Pastry | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Peach Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | As with all cakes, the dough is considered the primary ingredient and only Mezonot is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than peaches, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the peaches. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a kezayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin strip of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the peaches, the dough becomes subordinate to the peaches and only Ha’eitz need be said. |
Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | As with all cakes, the dough is considered the primary ingredient and only Mezonot is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than pie filling, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the pie filling. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a kezayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin strip of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the pie filling, the dough becomes subordinate to the filling and only Ha’eitz need be said. |
Pie Crust | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Plum Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | As with all cakes, the dough is considered the primary ingredient and only Mezonot is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than plums, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the plums. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a kezayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin strip of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the plums, the dough becomes subordinate to the plums and only Ha’eitz need be said. |
Pound Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Pretzels | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Pumpernickel Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Pumpkin Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Raisin Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Raisin Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Rice Kugel | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Roll | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Rye Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Sandwich (bread) | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Soft Pretzels | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Sponge Cake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Strawberry Shortcake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Strudel | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Toast (bread) | Hamotzi | ||
Tortilla | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Since it is made of maize flour. |
Waffle | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Wheat Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Wheat Cakes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
White Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Whole Wheat Bread | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Wraps | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | If one were to eat a plain wrap (unfilled) then it would be mezonos. Because it is not the way people eat this, this is a chisaron in the tzuras hapas. But if one were to eat a filled wrap with tuna or cheese etc… then the proper bracha would be Hamotzi. |
Zwieback | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Beverages | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Alcoholic Beverages (except grape wine) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Ale | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Apple Juice/Cider | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Beer | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Blackberry Brandy | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Bourbon | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Blackberry Brandy | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Brandy | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Even though it is made from wine, since it is distilled, it becomes Shehakol. |
Buttermilk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Carbonated Soda | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Carbonated Water | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Champagne | Hagafen | Al Hagafen | |
Chocolate Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cider | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cocktail | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cocoa | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Coffee | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cognac | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Even though it is made from wine, since it is distilled, it becomes Shehakol. |
Cola | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cranberry Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Ginger Ale | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Grape Juice/ Wine | Hagafen | Al Hagafen | |
Grapefruit Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Hot Chocolate | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Iced Coffee | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Iced Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Iced Tea | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Lemon Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Lemonade | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Lime Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Limeade | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Liqueur | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Orange Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Pineapple Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Prune Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Since most plums are no longer grown for the purpose of making juice the bracha is Shehakol. |
Raisin Wine | Hagafen | Al Hagafen | |
Root Beer | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Scotch | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Seltzer | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Soda (all flavors) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Soda Water | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Tea | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Tomato Juice | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Water | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Whiskey | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Wine (grape) | Hagafen | Al Hagafen | |
Fruit & Nuts | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Almond | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Apple | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Apricot | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Avocado | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Banana | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Blackberry | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | (See Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 85). See OU Guide for Checking Fruits and Vegetables page 45. |
Blueberry | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | See OU Guide for Checking Fruits and Vegetables page 46. |
Cantaloupe | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Cashew | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Cherry | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Chestnut | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Clementine | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Coconut | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Cranberry | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | They grow from small bushes in a bog. |
Currant | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Date | Ha’eitz | Al Ha’eitz | |
Etrog | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | If prepared in a tasty manner, since otherwise it is not fit for consumption. |
Fig | Ha’eitz | Al Ha’eitz | |
Gooseberry | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Grape | Ha’eitz | Al Ha’eitz | |
Grapefruit | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Guava | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Hazelnut | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Honeydew Melon | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Kiwi | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Mango | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Melon | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Nectarine | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Orange | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Orange Peel (even if candied) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | (See Mishna Berura 202:39, Chazon Ish, Orach Chaim 33b) |
Papaya | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Peach | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Peanut | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Pear | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Pecan | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Peel (of Fruits) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | If part of fruit is attached to peel Ha’eitz is made. |
Persimmon | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Pineapple | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Pistachio | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Plum | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Pomegranate | Ha’eitz | Al Ha’eitz | |
Prune | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Pumpkin Seed | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Quince | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Raisin | Ha’eitz | Al Ha’eitz | |
Raspberry | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | See OU Guide for Checking Fruits and Vegetables page 47. |
Rhubarb | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Strawberry (both wild and cultivated) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | (See Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 86). See OU Guide for Checking Fruits and Vegetables page 48. |
Tangerine | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Walnut | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Watermelon | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Desserts & Snacks | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Almonds Sugar Coated | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | Since the sugar coating is subordinate to the almond, even if the amount of sugar is greater than the volume of the almond (Eliyahu Raba 204:17; P’ri Megadim, Mechaber 202:13). |
Apple Sauce | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Shehakol is to be said if the apples are totally pureed. This applies mostly to commercially available canned or bottled apple sauce. However, Ha’eitz applies for homemade applesauce where the applesauce is chunky. |
Baked Apple | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Banana Split – For the banana | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | Both brachot must be said because neither part of the food is subordinate to the other. |
Banana Split – For the ice cream | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Both brachot must be said because neither part of the food is subordinate to the other. |
Boston Cream Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Candy (hard) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Borei Nefashot is only said if one eats a k’zayit within a kdei achillat pras (2-9 minutes) which usually is not the case. |
Chocolate | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chocolate Cream Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the flour is made of any of the Five Principal Species. Al Hamichya is only said if a k’zayit of flour was consumed within a kdei achillat pras (2-9 minutes). |
Chocolate Fudge | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Coconut Cream Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the flour is made of any of the Five Principal Species. Al Hamichya is only said if a k’zayit of flour was consumed within a kdei achillat pras (2-9 minutes). |
Corn Chips | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cotton Candy | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Custard | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Custard Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the flour is made of any of the Five Principal Species. Al Hamichya is only said if a k’zayit of flour was consumed within a kdei achillat pras (2-9 minutes). |
Gelatin-type dessert | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Gum | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Gum Drops | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Halavah | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Honey | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Ice Cream | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Even if ice cream is eaten on a cone, only Shehakol is necessary, since the cone is eaten only because of the ice cream and is clearly subordinate to it. Its purpose is actually not so much to be eaten as to hold the ice cream and to prevent the hands from becoming soiled (see Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 212b; Mishnah Berurah 212:5, Kaf Hachaim 15). However, if you specifically use a sugar cone because you enjoy eating it, Mezonot must also be said before eating the cone. |
Ices | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Jam | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Jelly | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Ketchup | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Licorice Extract | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Licorice Root (natural) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Shehakol should be said (see Chayei Adam 51:15; Mishnah Berurah 202:76). |
Licorice Stick | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Marshmallow | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Marzipan | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Milkshake | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Mints | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Napoleon | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | |
Peanut Butter Creamy or Chunky | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Pie | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | As with all cakes, the dough is considered the primary ingredient and only Mezonot is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than pie filling, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the pie filling. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k’zayit of cake within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin strip of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the pie filling, the dough becomes subordinate to the filling and only Ha’eitz need be said. |
Popcorn | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Potato Chips | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Pringles | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | As per Rav Belsky, since today most potatoes are processed into flakes and flour. (See Mishnah Berurah 202:42-44) |
Pudding | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Rice Pudding | Mezonot | Borei Nefashot | |
Rock Candy | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Sherbet | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Stewed Prunes | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Strawberry Shortcake | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Strudel | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Sugar | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Sundae | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Syrup | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Dairy Foods | Back to Top ^^ | ||
American Cheese | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Buttermilk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cheese | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cheese Blintzes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Chocolate Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cottage Cheese | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cream Cheese | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cream with Fruit | See Comment | Borei Nefashot | If the fruit is the main part – Ha’eitz . If the cream is the main part – Shehakol. |
Custard | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Farmer Cheese | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Ice Cream | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Even if ice cream is eaten in a cone, only Shehakol is necessary, since the cone is eaten only because of the ice cream and is clearly subordinate to it. Its purpose is actually not so much to be eaten as to hold the ice cream and to prevent the hands from becoming soiled (see Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 212b; Mishnah Berurah 212:5; Kaf Hachaim 15). However, if you specifically use a sugar cone because you enjoy eating it, Mezonot must also be said before eating the cone. |
Macaroni and Cheese | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Malted Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Milkshake | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Pizza (Meal) | Hamotzi | Birkat Hamazon | It is Pat Haba’ah B’kisnin. If two slices are eaten without other foods this would constitute a Keviat Seudah for an obligation of Birkat Hamazon. If pizza is eaten with other foods, such as french fries and salad, whatever amount of bread a person would usually eat at a similar meal with other foods would constitute Keviat Seudah of pizza even if less than two slices are eaten. |
Pizza (Snack) | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Shamenet | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Skim Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Sour Cream or Milk | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Sweet Cream | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Swiss Cheese | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Welsh Rarebit | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | By itself. When eaten together with toast – Hamotzi is said followed by Birkat Hamazon. |
Whipped Cream | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Yogurt | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Vegetables & Herbs | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Arbes | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Artichoke | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Asparagus | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Aubergine | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Baked Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Beets | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Broccoli | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Brussel Sprouts | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Cabbage | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Carrots | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Cauliflower | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Celery | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Chickpeas | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Chives | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cinnamon | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | (See Sefer Halacha 1:29a) |
Cole Slaw | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Coriander | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Corn on the Cob | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | Indian corn, or maize (i.e., the type that grows on the cob) is not one of the Five Principal Species. |
Cucumber | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Cucumber Salad | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Dill Pickle | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Edamame | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Eggplant | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Escarole | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
French Fried Potatoes | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Garlic | See Comment | Borei Nefashot | If eaten raw or boiled- Shehakol. Fried in oil – Ha-adamah (Mishnah Berurah 205:7; Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim I:64). |
Gherkin | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Ginger, if raw or dry and candied | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Green Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Green Pepper | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Hearts of Palm | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Kidney Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Lentils (cooked) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Lettuce | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Lima Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Maize | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Mashed Potatoes | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Mushroom | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Mustard | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Nahit (chickpeas) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Nutmeg (ripe) | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Olive | Ha’eitz | Al Ha’eitz | |
Onion, only if fried | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Onion, raw | See comment | Borei Nefashot | Red onions which are normally eaten raw – Ha-adamah. If the onion is normally fried to be eaten – Shehakol. |
Parsley | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Parsnip | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Peas | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Pickles | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Potato | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Potato Blintzes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the ingredients include flour made with one or more of the Five Principal Species. |
Potato Knish | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the ingredients include flour made with one or more of the Five Principal Species. |
Potato Kugel (homemade) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Potato Kugel (made from potato flour) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | As per Rav Belsky, since today most potatoes are processed into flakes and flour. (See Mishnah Berurah 202:42-44) |
Potato Latkes (from potato flour) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | As per Rav Belsky, since today most potatoes are processed into flakes and flour. (See Mishnah Berurah 202:42-44) |
Potato Latkes (from real potatoes) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | If a substantial amount of flour of the Five Principal Species is used, Mezonot is required. |
Potato Salad | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Potatoes, Instant | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | As per Rav Belsky, since today most potatoes are processed into flakes and flour. (See Mishnah Berurah 202:42-44) |
Potatoes, Mashed | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Radish | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Salad, Vegetable | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Schav | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Soya Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Spices | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | No bracha if inedible |
Spinach | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Sprouts | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Squash | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
String Beans | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Sweet Potato | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Tomato | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Turnip | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Tzibeles (fried onions) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Tzimmes | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Yam | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Soups | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Barley Soup | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | To say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k’zayit of barley within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. |
Bean Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Borsht (with or without potato) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Bouillon | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Broth | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Cabbage Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Chicken Soup (plain) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chicken Soup (with kneidlach or noodles) | Mezonot + Shehakol | Al Hamichya & Borei Nefashot | |
Consommé | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Corn Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Fruit Soup (if made with fruit requiring Ha’adamah) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Fruit Soup (If made with fruit requiring Ha’eitz) | Ha’eitz | Borei Nefashot | |
Lentil Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Mushroom and Barley Soup | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | To say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k’zayit of barley within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashot. |
Mushroom Soup | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Noodle Soup | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Onion Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Pea Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Rice Soup | Mezonot | Borei Nefashot | |
Tomato Rice Soup | See Comment | Borei Nefashot | If the main intention is the rice then one would say Mezonot, if one’s main intention is the tomato, one would say Ha-adamah. |
Tomato Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Vegetable Soup | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Meat, Fish, & Eggs | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Beef | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Beef Stew | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Bologna | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Carp | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chicken | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chicken Fricassee | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chicken Salad | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chili Con Carne | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Chopped Liver | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Corned Beef | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Derma (Stuffed Kishke) | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Since the ingredients include flour made from one or more of the Five Principal Species. |
Duck | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Egg | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Egg Salad | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Fish | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Fishcake, Fishstick | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Frankfurter (without bun) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Gefilte Fish | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Although gefilte fish may be prepared with bread crumbs or matza flour, their purpose is just to hold the ground fish and other ingredients together. Thus, only Shehakol need be said. (See also Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 208b, and Mishnah Berurah 208:8). |
Hamburger (without bun) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Herring | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Hotdog (without bun) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Knish with Meat | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the ingredients include flour made with one of the Five Principal Species. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k’zayit of dough within a kdei achilat pras (2-9 minutes). |
Lamb | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Lamb Chops, Stew | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Liver | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Liverwurst | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Lox | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Meat | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Meatballs | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Meatloaf | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Minced Meat Pie | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Mushroom Omelet | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Omelet | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Pastrami | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Pickled Herring | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Pot Roast | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Roast Beef | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Salami | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Salmon | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Sardines | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Scrambled Eggs | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Smoked Herring | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Smoked Salmon | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Spanish Omelet | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Steak | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Tongue | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Tuna Fish | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Tuna Fish Salad | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Turkey | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Veal | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Veal Cutlets | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Whitefish | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | |
Grains & Grain Products | Back to Top ^^ | ||
Bran Flakes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Buckwheat (Kashe) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | Buckwheat is not a kind of wheat, nor is it even one of the Five Principal Species. It is a legume. Therefore, neither Mezonot nor Hamotzi can be said over a product of buckwheat unless one of the Five Principal Species, such as wheat flour, even only in part, has been added to it. Thus, if you eat buckwheat alone, only Ha-adamah is said (see Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 65). |
Buckwheat Muffins (with Flour of Five Principal Species) | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Al Hamichya if k’zayit of Five Principal Species flour eaten within a kdei achillat pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise one says Borei Nefashot. |
Buckwheat Muffins (without Flour of Five Principal Species) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Shehakol because buckwheat no longer has its original form. |
Buckwheat Pancakes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Chowmein | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Corn Grits (cooked) | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Shehakol because the corn disintegrates and loses its shape. Does not contain wheat flour. |
Dumpling | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Farfel | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Farina | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Groats (see Buckwheat) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Kashe (see Buckwheat) | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Kashe Varnishkes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Kishke | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided the ingredients include flour made of any of the Five Principal Species. |
Kneidlach | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Kreplach | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Lokshen | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Macaroni | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Matza Ball | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Matza Brei | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | Provided that none of the pieces of matza is as large as a k’zayit (i.e., about one-third of a matza). If even one piece is that large, then Hamotzi is required. |
Noodle Pudding | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Noodles | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Noodles for Pesach | Shehakol | Borei Nefashot | Since they do not contain flour made from the Five Principal Species. |
Oatmeal | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Pancakes | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Pasta | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Porridge | Mezonot | Al Hamichya | |
Puffed Wheat | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | Iggerot Moshe O.C. IV:45 says that either Haodamah or Mezonot may be recited. |
Quinoa | Ha’adamah | Borei Nefashot | |
Rice | Mezonot | Borei Nefashot | |
Spaghetti | Mezonot | Al Hamichya |
Taken from